On Saturday 6th January at 7.30pm live music from Musicians Rennie Pearson & Bob McNeill
Tickets $25.00- available from Central Stories or online
Toe tapping live Celtic music by musicians Rennie Pearson and Bob McNeill.
Half Light take a mixture of original and traditional folk tunes and songs and arrange them in new and exciting ways, drawing inspiration from both old and modern musical styles to weave a tapestry of rhythms, melodies and songs that will transport the listen to faraway lands at one moment and have their toes tapping and hands clapping at another. Soaring flute and whistles, sonorous guitars, great songs and thumping rhythms take the music to unusual places. Two virtuoso players with a new slant on live folk music, full of dark energy; but at the heart of their show is the “lift” – Celtic music at full tilt.